Goodbye Fat, Hello Fun

Cardio Crush
Carrie Carnahan leads a Zumba class Monday night at 1HR. Cardio Crush in Irrigon.

[quote style=”2″]Irrigon Couple Fill Fitness Void[/quote]

The first thing you see when you approach 1HR Cardio Crush in Irrigon is a sign that welcomes you to the “Torture Chamber.”

Fear not. The only thing getting tortured during the nightly Zumba classes is the fat that has taken up residence in your body. The atmosphere inside the gym is anything but torturous. Anywhere from 12 to 18 people of all ages show up each night to work out, have a laugh and leave feeling better about themselves.

Gym Sign 1The gym is where fat meets its maker. One of many inspirational signs on the wall says “Dear Fat, Prepare to Die. XO, Me.”

Owners Alan and Carrie Carnahan opened 1HR Cardio Crush two months ago and already have seven weekly Zumba classes. They say the gym fills a void in the area.

“There’s nothing in Umatilla, nothing in Irrigon,” said Alan. “We’re trying to give people in those areas and Boardman a place to go.”

“This was a case of “If you build it, they will come,’” said Carrie of the gym, located at 265 N.E. Sixth St.

The gym itself didn’t even exist a few months ago. Alan, who owns Winter Hawk Construction, built the 1,800-square-foot gym on his own. The couple have plans to add more classes and workouts as well as putting in an obstacle course.

“It’ll be the only one in the area that I know of,” said Alan.

On Monday night, about a dozen or so people showed up for the 6 p.m. class – mainly women, but at least one man was there, as well. Mario Cobian has been coming to the classes since it opened in March.

“When I first started coming here, I was self-conscious,” he said. “Then I realized that it’s really a lot of fun – and it’s local.”

He said it helped him when he recently completed police academy training.

Gym Sign 2“For the first time in my life, I’m in better shape than I thought I was,” he said.

The Carnahans say men initially think Zumba – Latin-based dancing put to a workout – is just a bunch of women dancing around, but those who are brave enough to try it, soon discover it’s much more than that.

“Once they see what’s involved – that it’s a real workout – they are surprised,” Alan said.

Each class costs just $6 and there is no contract to sign. You can just show up and start moving.

“It’s very much a homey atmosphere,” said Carrie. “You can wear whatever you want and you won’t feel judged.”

Adds Alan, “If people can come in here and not feel intimidated, that’s what we’re shooting for.”

For more information on 1HR Cardio Crush, visit its Facebook page.