Group Raises Awareness of Invasive Weeds

Bugloss (Photo: Jeantosti via Wikimedia Commons)

The Tour Of Knowledge, along with co-sponsors SOLVE and the Umatilla County Weed Department, held a Invasive Weed Public Awareness event on Earth Day at Hermiston’s Riverfront Park.

The purpose of the event was to raise public awareness about Invasive weeds in Umatilla County. On site was the Umatilla County Natural Resource Public Outreach trailer with displays and information about invasive weeds.

Tour Of Knowledge members Michael Warren, Zach Duncan, Andrew Cooley, Eileen Laramore along with Umatilla County Weed Board members Michael Fodden and Richard Storment staffed the trailer while Nancy Duncan provided transportation for members to and from the event. Ted Orr, Umatilla County Weed supervisor hauled the trailer to the Laramore residence prior to the event.

Tour Of Knowledge member James Pooley used his vehicle to take the trailer to and from Riverfront Park on event day and assisted with set up. Ted Orr picked up the trailer and took it to the McNary Wildlife Refuge for Watershed Field Days.

The Tour Of knowledge would like to thank Hermiston Parks and Recreation Director Larry Fetter for the use of Riverfront Park.

For more information contact Eileen Laramore at 541-303-3872 or