Harkenrider Senior Center Serving Lunches 5 Days a Week


Here’s a look at the daily lunch menu at the Harkenrider Senior Center in Hermiston for Aug. 19-23:

On Monday, the menu will include a variety of salad bars, garlic bread and dessert. On Tuesday, the menu will include meat loaf, potatoes and gravy, vegetables, fruit and dessert. On Wednesday, there will be BLT sandwiches, salad and dessert. Thursday’s menu includes baked fish, tater tots, cole slaw and dessert. Friday will feature hamburgers, salad and dessert.

The cost is $4 while children 10 and under eat for free.

For those who need a ride, call 541-567-3582. The Harkenrider Senior Center is located at 255 N.E. Second St.