Healy Resigns from Port of Morrow Commission After 29 Years


Jerry Healy resigned Tuesday, Aug. 8, after nearly three decades with the Port of Morrow Board of Commissioners.

Commission President Joe Taylor read Healy’s resignation letter during the commission’s Aug. 9 meeting.

“I plan to use the newfound time to spend more time with my family,” Healy wrote. “Especially my four grandchildren.”

“It’s been a privilege working with all of the employees, staff and management for the past 29 years,” he added. “Starting with the 15-20 board employees in 1994 to the 150-plus employees today. During this time, I always appreciated the can-do attitudes and dedication of these individuals gave the Port and the community.”

Despite his announced retirement, Healy said he will continue his dedicated support of the Port of Morrow and Morrow County as a whole. He also thanked citizens for their support of the port and asked that they continue.

After reading Healy’s resignation, Taylor said he had nothing but good things to say about the former commissioner and hoped that he enjoyed his time with his grandchildren.

Commissioner John Murray added that Healy would be missed.

“He was a great addition with 29 years of volunteer service that should not go unrecognized,” he said.

The Port of Morrow now seeks to fill the seat. Eligible local residents are encouraged to submit letters of interest and resumes to Port of Morrow Executive Director Lisa Mittelsdorf. Applications for the vacancy are due no later than 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11.