Heppner Chamber Seeks Nominations for Distinguished Citizens


The Heppner Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations from community members for the distinguished citizens and business to be honored at the 2020 Town and Country Community Awards event.

Nominations will be accepted through Friday, Jan. 10 for Woman of the Year, Man of the Year, Business of the Year, Citizen-Educator of the Year, Lifetime Achievement and Youth Award. Forms are available at the Bank of Eastern Oregon, the chamber office, Community Bank, Heppner City Hall, and Kuhn Law Office. Forms can also be obtained by contacting the chamber at 541-676-5536 or by email at heppnerchamber@centurytel.net.

Completed nomination forms must be turned in to the Heppner chamber or Kuhn Law Office no later than Jan. 10 to be considered for the awards.