Heppner Ranger District Offers Summer Job Opportunities for Youth


The Heppner Ranger District is recruiting four students between the ages of 15 and 18 for summer employment in the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC).

Work can include noxious weed removal, fence removal and construction, trail maintenance, meadow restoration, campground maintenance, slash piling, marking timber, removal of tubing from tree seedlings, and fireline construction around logged units on the Heppner Ranger District.

The program will last six weeks beginning June 26, 2023. Youth will be paid $15 per hour. No previous experience is required.

To apply, all interested candidates must complete and submit a signed application. Hardcopy applications can be picked up at Forest Service offices in Heppner and Pendleton and at local high schools. Additionally, the application is available online.

Applications will be accepted from March 13 until 2 p.m. on April 14. Completed applications can be emailed to marcia.kemp@usda or turned in to the Heppner Ranger District office via mail or hand delivery at 117 S Main St., Heppner.

Applicants must be at least 15 years old by the start date of May 1, 2023, and not reach the age of 19 during the term of employment in the program. Applicants must also have a social security number, or have made application to obtain one, and obtain parental or legal guardian consent to enroll in the program.

Selections will be made based on a review of applications. All applicants will be notified by mail of their selection status no later than April 28.

For more information about the YCC program, contact the Heppner Ranger District at 541-676-9187.

Additional information about the Umatilla National Forest is available online.