Hermiston Building Department Issued 139 Housing Permits in 2021


The city of Hermiston experienced another year of steady growth in 2021, adding to its population and housing inventory while seeing more than $100 million in permitted residential and commercial jobs.

The Hermiston Building Department approved 139 new housing unit permits in 2021, bringing the two-year total to 264. This included 48 income-restricted apartment units, 30 manufactured homes, and 197 other residential permits since Jan. 1, 2020.

The total job value for housing and other development permits in 2021 was $105.6 million.

The U.S. Census counted 19,354 people living in the city on April 1, 2020, and the Portland State University estimate certified on Dec. 15 updated that number to 19,696 as of July 1, 2021, an increase of 342 people.

“Hermiston residents and the city council have consistently said that housing is a top priority, and we are pleased to see that residential developers are continuing to build despite challenges in the supply chain and labor market,” said Mark Morgan, assistant city manager. “As we prepare for new jobs at the South Hermiston Industrial Park and throughout the community, making sure new housing matches the growing population’s needs will continue to be a goal for 2022 and beyond.”

Two new affordable housing projects are expected to break ground in 2022 – the 60-unit income-restricted Moorehead Apartments and the 200-home Santiago Estates manufactured home community.