Hermiston Council to Consider New Urban Renewal District Tonight


The Hermiston Urban Renewal Agency (HURA) will consider planning a new urban renewal district along Feedville Road at its Monday meeting that would encourage development of a master planned housing community in south Hermiston.

The Hayfields Site, which encompasses 353 acres in the former C&B Feedlot that have been
zoned for residential use, has the potential to add 1,300 units for a mix of single family,
workforce family, apartments, and senior housing. The project could increase housing in western Umatilla County, improve public infrastructure that will benefit the Hermiston community, and add public park and recreation elements.

HURA, comprising the members of the Hermiston City Council, will discuss beginning a planning process that would lay out the scope and cost of the development and specify the maximum indebtedness the district may incur. Plan development is expected to take six to eight months at which time the city council would hear the plan and consider its adoption.

The Hayfields Site was annexed into Hermiston in the early 2000s and the city of Hermiston has been working with the landowners since 2012 on a public-private partnership to develop infrastructure and create a development plan.

MonteVista Homes began working with the landowners in 2021 and has developed a master
planned community that combines open spaces like trails, parks, and gathering spaces that
would fit the aesthetic and architecture of the Hermiston community.

The HURA meets at 6 p.m. on Monday at the Hermiston Community Center before the regular council meeting. A live video of the meeting will be available at www.hermiston.or.us.