Hermiston Council to Tackle Legislative Priorities


The Hermiston City Council will meet tonight to adopt priority proposals for the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) legislative agenda.

The LOC identifies legislative priorities that support Oregon cities. The priorities focus on several subject areas including telecommunications, water, transportation, human resources, taxation and more.

Hermiston City Manager Byron Smith will ask the council to approve four legislative priorities that he believes will have the biggest impact on Hermiston. Those include property tax reform, PERS reform, a transportation funding and policy package, and the restoration of recreational immunity.

In other business, the council will vote to establish a comprehensive policy for the senior and disabled taxi program. The council will also vote on whether or not to increase the cost of a taxi ticket by 25 cents.

The council will meet at 6 p.m. for a workshop to discuss legislative priorities. The regular council meeting gets under way at 7 p.m.