Hermiston Giving Residents Chance to Help Shape City’s Future


The city of Hermiston is asking the community to help lay out the road map for the next couple of decades with its Hermiston 2040 project.

Hermiston 2040 is a community engagement effort to build a vision for the future of Hermiston. The vision will create the blueprint for decisions about our community, including investments, collaboration, and partnerships. What is identified and created in this vision during the coming months will be the foundation for the next 20 years in the community.

The city of Hermiston, in collaboration with the Hermiston 2040 Steering Committee, is asking for the public’s ideas, thoughts and inspirations about what could make this place even better.

Growth is here. Hermiston is the fastest growing city in Eastern Oregon and with growth comes change. How should Hermiston grow? Adapt to changing technology? How should Hermiston invest in the infrastructure, people and systems necessary for maintaining a high quality of life for all its residents? A shared community vision like this can inspire new goals and policies and influence the approach to future development.

As people consider the future of our community, they are encouraged to think big. These ideas might include suggestions for new programs, service improvements, parks, education, housing, or other recommendations. The ideas received during this process will go directly to policymakers and city staff and will be refined into a vision to be reviewed by the community.

City officials want to hear from everyone in the community. Many have already taken the survey and ideas have ranged from an indoor pool, more dining and shopping options, food cart pods, and finding ways to be more inclusive and build bridges across diverse groups in our community. People have also shared the things they love about Hermiston and what they hope to preserve into the future including the small-town feel and Hermiston’s inclusive and welcoming culture.

There are many ways to get involved and share your ideas for the future:

  • Have only a few minutes? You can take the online survey in English or Spanish here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Hermiston2040
  • Want to have some in-depth discussion? You can sign up to participate in virtual or in-person focus group here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Hermiston2040FocusGroup
  • Heading out to a community event this summer? Stop by and talk with our volunteers about your ideas and also walk away with fun giveaways and prizes. Check out our upcoming schedule: https://www.hermiston2040.com/get-involved
  • Are you part of a neighborhood or community group that wants to learn more and get involved? Set up a time to have one of our volunteers share more information with your group and gather your input. Email us at info@hermiston2040.com.

For more information and a list of upcoming engagement activities visit www.hermiston2040.com.