Hermiston Graduation Rate Falls by 7.61 Percent from Previous Year


The graduation rate for Hermiston School District students fell by 7.61 percent during the 2021-22 school year, according to data released today by the Oregon Department of Education.

The numbers show an 80.36 percent four-year graduation rate for the Hermiston School District, down from the previous year’s rate of 87.97 percent. The district’s four-year completer rate was 82.17. This figure includes students who earned an extended diploma or GED, in addition to the students included in the graduation rate.

“Each graduating class is unique,” said Director of Secondary Education Scott Depew. “Comparing one class to another is seldom helpful; however, understanding the resources our students need as they move toward their high school diploma is best practice. While this year’s data reveals definite areas of improvement, this number falls within our projections.”

Director of Elementary Education Dr. Jerad Farley said distance learning during the pandemic wasn’t nearly as effective as in-person learning.

“If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that students are able to access the full measure of the quality educational experiences our staff provide when they are physically present in our schools,” said Farley. “Our long-term commitment to increasing graduation rates continues, and we will not be satisfied until 100 percent of our students attain a diploma from Hermiston High School. There are significant initiatives already underway to align and focus systems at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, as we work toward that ideal.”

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tricia Mooney said it’s a district priority to refine the K-12 system “to ensure that not even something as large as a global pandemic can have as significant an impact on the success of our students is our priority.

“The fruits of this labor cannot be realized overnight. Focusing on our future as a school district is inextricably linked to the future of our students. I am proud of the commitment I see each day from all stakeholders, including the cabinet team, school administration, teachers, support staff, the school board, and our community to make a bright future for Hermiston’s children a reality.”