Hermiston High Students Shock Combat Robotics Community


Hermiston High School students upset competition at the Crimson Bot Brawl, hosted by Washington State University, with three victories this past weekend.

Carsin and Haydin Newton are juniors in the engineering program, under the guidance of Colin Haines. The two were excited to build a competition-worthy robot.

“Building the bot was great and fixing it between fights was so much fun,” said Carsin Newton. “We came out of one fight looking like an absolute wreck, but no matter how bad things look, a little bit of hard work, solder, and elbow grease will get us up and running!”

In the competition, the Newtons took first place in both the Plastic Antweights and Full Metal Antweights categories, taking out a top 10 nationally ranked Plastic Antweight bot and two ranked bots in the Metal Antweight division. The students also earned third place in the competitive Beetleweight division.

“Carsin and Haydin demonstrated precision driving and excellent mechanical and engineering skills to ensure their bots were in top shape throughout a grueling competition,” said Haines. “They competed not just against other kids but against several veteran engineers, some of whom have been featured on the BattleBots TV show.