Hermiston High teacher selected as Judge at California FFA Convention

Photo courtesy of Hermiston School District

HERMISTON, Ore.-Sandy McKay, a Hermiston High School teacher has been selected to be a judge at the California Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Convention this April.

“Being invited to judge the California State Parliamentary Procedure contests is an amazing honor,” said McKay, who teaches Agricultural Science and serves as Hermiston High School’s FFA Advisor.

According to the Hermiston School District, McKay was chosen as a Judge due to his expertise, leadership, and the impact he has made on FFA students and programs.

“It is humbling to think that my teams and I have been noticed by FFA associations outside of our own state of Oregon,” said McKay. “I do not take the responsibility lightly.”

Over the past three years McKay has coached two Beginning and two Advanced Parliamentary Procedure teams to the National Convention, highlighted by a third-place finish last year.

“The hard work put in by our students has resulted in our Chapter earning the opportunity to compete at the National FFA Convention each and every year going back over thirty years,” said McKay. “There’s a lot to be proud of in our Chapter.”

In Sacramento McKay will be judging the final rounds of the beginning Parli-Pro competition, which is properly called “Conduct of Chapter Meetings” and the finals of the Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Contest.

The Parli-Pro competition requires FFA Members to demonstrate how to properly make and handle various parliamentary motions, as well as formulate, present and defend issues in debates.

“As a judge, it is my responsibility to ensure that they are using proper parliamentary procedures as listed in the official parliamentary authority, ‘Roberts’ Rules of Order’,” said McKay.

The California FFA State Convention, which runs April 3-6, is one of the largest gatherings of agricultural education students in the country. FFA is a national organization for students interested in leadership and agricultural education. More information on Hermiston’s FFA Chapter is available online.

The 97th Oregon FFA State Convention runs March 20-23 in Redmond and can be livestreamed online.

“I am a firm believer that the National FFA Association continues to be the premier youth organization developing career and leadership skills in the world,” said McKay.


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