Hermiston Parks Department Plans Summer of Fun for Kids of All Ages


The Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department is serving up several great opportunities for kids to learn from new experiences while enjoying their summer break. Here’s the first round of camps, classes and activities to help get their summer off to a great start:

Skyhawks Sports Camps – These camps are new to the Hermiston area and offer a great multi-sport experience. Check them out at https://www.skyhawks.com/ for availability and prices.

Summer Swim Team – Swimmers can choose the competitive or recreational squad. Both teams meet June 11-Aug. 2, Monday through Thursday at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center. The competitive team meets 6-8 a.m., and the recreational team meets 7-8 a.m. Swimmers must have completed Level 3 swim lessons. Participation on the competitive team costs $125 for residents and $156 for non-residents; for the recreational team, costs are $75 and $95.

Junior Swim Team – This course is for those who are not ready to join the swim team but need to continue building skills. Session 1 is June 11-July 5 (no class on July 4), and Session 2 is July 9-Aug. 2. Times are 8-8:55 a.m., 10-10:55 a.m. and 7:05-8 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Swimmers must have completed Level 3 swim lessons. Costs are $55 for residents and $69 for non-residents.

Junior Lifeguarding – This course is for ages 12-15 years and has a strong focus on developing skills required in the Lifeguarding course. Participants are introduced to lifesaving skills and have the opportunity to shadow lifeguards on the job. All classes meet Monday through Thursday. Session 1 is June 11-July 5 (no class on July 4), and Session 2 is July 9-Aug. 2. Times are 9-9:55 a.m., 11-11:55 a.m. and 7:05-8 p.m. Costs are $55 for residents and $69 for non-residents.

Hermiston Kids Triathlon – No experience is necessary for this non-competitive swimming, bicycling and running event that takes place on Saturday, June 23 at 9 a.m. at the aquatic center. Costs are $15 for residents and $18 for non-residents. The signup deadline is June 15.

Kids will be divided into two age groups. All 7- through 12-year-olds must be able to swim 50 meters, bike 1 mile and run .75 mile. All 4- through 6-year-olds must be able to swim 50 feet (lifejackets are available), bike .6 mile (training wheels are allowed) and run .4 mile.

Summer Fun Day Camp – This camp is for ages 6-11 years and runs June 13-Aug. 3 (no camp on July 4), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. It provides activities including sports, education, arts and crafts, and much more. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are included. It takes place at Rocky Heights Elementary School, with Friday afternoons at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center. Costs are $105 per week for residents and $132 per week for non-residents. The signup deadline is one week prior.

Violin Class – This year-round class for ages 10 and up is under the direction of R. Lee Friese, music director and conductor of Inland Northwest Musicians, and apprentice instructor Jacoby Merwin. It takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the Hermiston Community Center. Openings are available for June, July and August. Costs are $40 for residents and $50 for non-residents. The signup deadline is one week prior to each monthly session.

Club Invention Camps – The first of this summer’s camps, E.Z. Science, takes place June 18-21. The signup deadline is June 13. Children must help a world-famous science magazine get next month’s issue on the streets. The second camp, Flight Sight, is July 23-26. The signup deadline is July 18. Children will explore how inventions in flight have made it possible to see the world from different perspectives. The final camp, Echo & Axon: A Prototyping Adventure, is Aug. 13-16. The signup deadline is Aug. 8. Children will create solutions to STEM-based challenges to rescue Echo and Axon.

These camps are for kids in grades 1-6. They take place Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon at the Hermiston Community Center. Costs are $65 for residents and $80 for non-residents.

Discovering the Clown in You – In this workshop that runs June 25-29, kids ages 7 to 14 will discover and learn to express their funny side from a former circus clown. Students will present a clown show for their families and friends on the last day of the workshop. Classes meet Monday-Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Hermiston Community Center. Costs are $50 for residents and $63 for non-residents. The signup deadline is June 21.

Sunset Paddle – This 1.5-mile-long evening kayak tour along the banks of the Columbia River is the perfect introduction for beginning kayakers. It takes place on Wednesday, June 27 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Afterward, enjoy some Dutch oven cobbler and ice cream. Bring your own kayak or rent one on site. You must be at least 14 years of age (14-17 must come with an adult). Costs are $15 for residents, $20 for non-residents, and $10 for kayak rental. Meet at the main boat ramp parking lot at Hat Rock State Park. The signup deadline is June 22. Space is limited.

Summer Food Service Program – The state program to provide free nutritious meals for any child 18 years of age and under runs June 13-Aug. 3 (no lunch served on July 4). Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult. Meals are served Monday-Friday on a first-come-first-served basis. The feeding sites are Sunset Park, Butte Park, Hermiston Family Aquatic Center and Victory Square Park. For more information and to register, visit http://www.hermiston.or.us/parks-recreation/home or call 541-667-5018.