HHS Event to Focus on Parent Involvement


Dr. Luis Cruz will return to the Hermiston School District on Monday, Oct. 28 for a Parent University session and all secondary-level families are invited to attend.

All parents of students in grades six through 12 are invited to attend the event titled Encouraging Critical Thinking, which focuses on parent involvement in schools. Cruz’ presentation will take place in the Hermiston High School auditorium. An English session will be held at 5 p.m. and a Spanish session will betake place at 7 p.m.

Those who attended the first session, or are familiar with Dr. Cruz, are encouraged to bring a friend.

“This is your chance to hear some valuable advice that will help you help your student be successful in school,” said Hermiston High School Principal Jocelyn Jones. “Dr. Cruz is entertaining, and his advice is well worth the time.”

Dr. Cruz will return to the district and host a session at each of the secondary schools the week of Dec. 2. His third set of presentations will focus on promoting literacy at home.