IMESD Cancels 2021 Children’s Rodeo


The InterMountain Education Service District (IMESD) has canceled the annual Children’s Rodeo for 2021.

Health and safety concerns regarding COVID-19 guided the decision for the event scheduled in September. Although the number of Oregonians receiving COVID vaccines is increasing, the majority of children who participate in the Children’s Rodeo are too young to receive the vaccine yet. In addition, many participants are medically fragile students whose families are reducing exposure to COVID-19 whenever possible.

“We regret having to cancel this event again, but know this is the right decision for our medically fragile students,” said Superintendent Dr. Mark Mulvihill. “Although our lives are returning to a regular schedule after the pandemic, we are proceeding cautiously and methodically in order to be safe.”

Mulvihill said IMESD looks forward to resuming the Children’s Rodeo in 2022.

The annual Children’s Rodeo was founded in 1984 and is sponsored by IMESD and the Pendleton Round-Up Association. It provides children with special needs ages five through 10 years the opportunity to be cowboys and cowgirls inside the famous Round-Up Arena. Students from IMESD school districts in Baker, Morrow, Umatilla and Union counties are eligible to participate. The event is held on Thursday of the Pendleton Round-Up.

For more information about the Children’s Rodeo, contact IMESD at 541-966-3100 or visit the IMESD website.