Irrigon Teen in Custody Following School Shooting Threat


The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office announced Monday, Sept. 23, it arrested a 14-year-old male student from Irrigon regarding a school shooting threat on social media.

The arrest took place Sept. 22, according to the sheriff’s office, and the teen is in juvenile detention at the Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilities in The Dalles.

The investigation is ongoing. The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office is working in conjunction with the Morrow County Juvenile Department, the FBI and the Morrow County School District. Although there are no safety concerns at this time, there will be law enforcement presence at the school as extra precautions and to help ease any concerns.

“I want everyone to know that we take these situations very serious and will investigate fully,” according to a statement from Sheriff John Bowles. “Incidents like these will be investigated and perpetrators will be arrested. Safety is our primary objective.”


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