Jeannette Byrnes Passes Away at 81


Jeannette Eveline Byrnes of Hermiston passed away in Hermiston on Sept. 3, 2021 at the age of 81.

She was born on May 29, 1940 in Manchester, N.H. to Albert and Eveline Poitras Byrnes.

Jeannette grew up in Manchester, N.H., where she attended school and graduated from high school. After high school, she began studies to become a registered nurse. After completing her studies she joined the U.S. Air Force, where she served as a medevac nurse during the Vietnam War. She served 11 years active duty and many additional years in the Army Reserves. She eventually retired at the rank of lieutenant colonel from the Air Force.

Jeannette lived for much of her adult life in California, where she worked as a nurse until retiring in 2000. In 2001 she moved to Hermiston, where she had resided since. She was active with the Red Hat Society, studied and became a master gardener, and volunteered at Good Shepherd Hospital in Hermiston.

She is survived by her husband of over 35 years, Robert “Bob” O’Brion; sister, Therese Turner; brothers, John Byrnes and Robert Byrnes; and many extended family members and friends.

At her request, no services are planned.

Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements.

“She was just a common soldier and her ranks are growing thin. But her presence should remind us we may need her ranks again. If we cannot do her honor while she’s here to hear the praise. Then at least let’s give her homage, at the ending of her days. Perhaps just a simple headline in the paper that might say: Our country is in mourning, for a soldier died today.”