Labor Day Weekend Deadliest in 6 Years


Preliminary information reported to the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) indicates six people died in five separate traffic crashes in Oregon during the 78-hour 2014 Labor Day holiday period between 6 p.m., Aug. 29, and 11:59 p.m., Sept. 1.

This year’s six recorded deaths is the deadliest Labor Day holiday period since 2008 when 12 people died in Oregon traffic crashes.

The following is a brief overview of the five reported fatal traffic crashes all of which were investigated by Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers:

• On Aug. 30 at approximately 2:56 p.m., a 74-year old bicyclist from St. Helens was killed when a distracted driver struck him from behind as he rode westbound on Highway 30 west of Rainier in Columbia County. The driver fled the scene and was arrested by OSP about five miles west of the crash scene for first-degree manslaughter, felony hit and run, and on a misdemeanor warrant.
• On Aug. 30 at approximately 4:08 p.m., a 40-year old Winchester man died in a single vehicle rollover crash southbound on Interstate 5 near Wolf Creek in Josephine County. Speed is believed to be a contributing factor.

• On Aug. 31 at approximately 3 p.m., a 47-year old male and 51-year old female, both from Winston, died when the motorcycle they were riding on crossed the centerline and collided with a pickup along Highway 138E about 22 miles east of Glide in Douglas County.

• On Sept. 1 at approximately 3:50 a.m., a 27-year old Lebanon woman died in a single vehicle rollover traffic crash on Highway 34 west of Lebanon. She was not using safety restraints and was ejected.

• On Sept. 1 at approximately 11:53 a.m., a 48-year old male from Florence died when he stepped in front of a passenger car on Highway 101 two miles north of Florence. Initial investigation indicates the man’s action may have been an intentional move.

During the 2013 Labor Day holiday period, two people died in 2 separate traffic crashes. The deadliest Labor Day holiday period occurred in 1978 when there were 17 reported deaths. Since 1970, nearly 300 people have died in traffic crashes in Oregon during the Labor Day holiday 78-hour reporting periods.

OSP troopers reported 45 DUII arrests statewide during this year’s holiday period. Last year, troopers reported 54 DUII arrests. Prior to each holiday period, OSP encourages citizens to report possible DUII drivers they spot on the road so troopers or other agency police officers can get into position to stop the vehicle and determine if the driver is impaired. Of this year’s 45 reported DUII arrests, five were the direct result of citizen driving complaint reports to OSP dispatch centers helping troopers get in position to stop the vehicle. Six DUII arrests were connected to injury and non-injury traffic crashes investigated by troopers.

The following OSP offices reported three or more DUII arrests during the holiday period:

• Portland Area Command office – 7 DUII arrests
• Salem Area Command office – 5 DUII arrests
• Springfield Area Command office – 4 DUII arrests
• Bend Area Command office – 4 DUII arrests
• Grants Pass Work Site office – 4 DUII arrests
• La Grande Area Command office – 3 DUII arrests
• Ontario Area Command office – 3 DUII arrests
• Albany Area Command office – 3 DUII arrests

OSP troopers also reported arresting 12 people during the holiday period who were wanted on outstanding arrest warrants.

OSP does not track DUII arrests statistics made by other law enforcement agencies.