Legislature Passes Redistricting Bill; District 57 to Expand in Size


On Monday, the Oregon House of Representatives passed SB 882, which reappropriated Oregon’s legislative districts.

The end result for District 57 is that it gained territory.

Rep. Greg Smith
Rep. Greg Smith

“District 57 is getting bigger,” said State Rep. Greg Smith (R-Heppner), who represents the district. “The district is fortunate to not only maintain its current configuration but to expand.”

The east side of the district gains the communities of Athena, Adams, and Helix in Umatilla County. To the south, the district will encompass the entirety of Wheeler County, which includes the incorporated cities of Fossil, Spray, and Mitchell.

Smith noted the district experienced its largest geographic expansion on the western side, where it gained additional area in Wasco County, including the city of Maupin. The district also furthered its territory into the rural areas of Jefferson, Marion, and Clackamas counties.

Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan congratulated the Oregon Legislature for completing their work to pass redistricting for Oregon.

“Congratulations to the Oregon Legislature for completing their Constitutional responsibility of redistricting of Oregon’s Congressional and Legislative districts,” she said.

“This newly created district reignites old friendships and provides neighboring communities the opportunity to forge new relationships,” added Smith.