Letter: Invest in Community, Support BMCC Bond


To the editor:

The Greater Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is happy to support Blue Mountain Community College’s (BMCC) bond measure that is on the May 19th ballot.

I was on the Chamber board of directors when the previous bond measure was on the ballot and while we (the Chamber) supported it, I had reservations. I was concerned about the apparent lack of engagement by the industries that stood to benefit the most from the money. I didn’t understand the need for yet another rodeo arena in the area and I couldn’t wrap my mind around the large sums of money that were in the measure for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. As a result of those concerns, I have spent a great deal of time with the BMCC President Cam Preus, discussing the current bond measure and am very pleased with the thoughtful approach that is reflected in how it is put together and what the college wants to spend money on.

This time around, the college has partnered with the OSU Experiment Station to locate the Precision Irrigated Agriculture facility on OSU land. This will bring great benefit to the experiment station and reduce the cost of the project significantly. Additionally, the students who participate in that program will gain the benefit of studying and working on one of, if not the premier experiment station for precision irrigation in the world. BMCC has done the same thing in Boardman by partnering with the Port of Morrow and many of the companies located there to build a much needed Workforce Training and Early Learning Center there on land owned by the Port. Again, this partnership engages those who will benefit from the facility and reduces the cost of the project significantly.

The college has wisely removed plans for a rodeo arena and instead is working with existing facility owners to find ways to partner and leverage those existing facilities.

Finally, I now understand that the large numbers associate with repairs, maintenance, and upgrades to existing facilities really is about protecting our community investment. Existing facilities have air handlers and boilers that were installed back in the 1960s and 1970s. Some of the electrical systems were installed prior to 1989. I am convinced that upgrading and or completely replacing many of these systems is the wisest and best use of our money. Understanding the efficiencies that can be gained with new systems, I expect that we will see a reduction in operational costs that will pay for many of these improvements over time.

By the way, did you know that 82 percent of students who go through vocational or work force training programs at BMCC, stay and work in the area? That is an astounding number. If you want our young people to stay here, raise families here, and contribute to keeping our area’s economic engine running, the $36.25 per year that this bond represents for an average homeowner in the greater Hermiston area is a great investment.

So, personally and on behalf of the Greater Hermiston Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, I urge you to vote “YES” for the BMCC bond.

Joseph Franell
Greater Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors