Letter: Thanks for Sending Me Back to Salem


Dear Friends & Neighbors:

As we come to that time of year where we give thanks for the many blessings in our lives, I would be remiss if I did not say “thank you” for returning me to the Oregon House of Representatives to serve as your voice in Salem. It is a great privilege and honor. While session will not convene until the second week of January, I want you to know our office continues to be open to serve your needs.

There are many challenges that will need to be addressed by Oregon’s 79th Legislative Assembly. These issues include constitutionally balancing the state budget, fully funding our schools, protecting small business owners, advocating for our senior citizens, addressing the PERS shortfall, creating a transportation package that is fair and equitable, as well as bringing balance back to our natural resource laws. As the GOP House Budget Chairman, I am committed to working on these issues.

Your input in this process is valuable. Please do not hesitate to contact me, or better yet, stop by and visit me at the State Capitol. My contact information is:

The Honorable Gregory V. Smith
Oregon House of Representatives
900 Court Street NE, H-482
Salem, OR 97301

My telephone is (503) 986-1457, and the email address is rep.gregsmith@oregonlegislature.gov.

If you have any meetings or events in your area that you would like me to attend, please contact my Legislative Aide, Mr. Phillip Scheuers, to coordinate attendance at the above number.

It is by working together that we will make District 57 and the State of Oregon a better place to live!

Best Regards,

Greg Smith