Lewis & Clark Coming to Hermiston Library


A community program featuring the daring explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark will be presented at the Hermiston Public Library on Wednesday, March 4.

The program is presented by Traveling Lantern, a Portland-based theatre troupe offering a regional tour in collaboration with Libraries of Eastern Oregon (LEO).

Performances of “Lewis & Clark: Two Brave Friends Begin the Perilous Journey of the Corps of Discovery” will be held on March 4 at 2:30 p.m. in the downstairs Lanham Room. The program is free and persons of all ages are invited.

Attendees will experience the excitement of Lewis & Clark as they scout and map the unknown beauty of our newly expanding nation.

The 50-minute presentation will feature how the explorers met Native Americans, canoed down mighty rivers, and became the first to see the grandeur of the Northwest as they followed the sunset to the ocean and carved out the Oregon Trail.

The program at Hermiston is sponsored by the Hermiston Public Library and LEO. For more information, contact library director Marie Baldo at 541-567-2882 or LEO at leolibraries@gmail.com.