Maiocco: District Aims to Serve, Protect All Students


Dear community member,

I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to providing all of our students and families with a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment which is free from all forms of harassment, bullying and discrimination. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination and we will take swift action to address concerns.

School board policy specifically addresses nondiscrimination and reaffirms our commitment to serve all students and families, regardless of national origin or citizenship status. Further, you should be aware that the federal courts have upheld the expectation for public schools to serve all children, regardless of citizenship status while enrolled in the public school system.

In Hermiston, we embrace diversity. We recognize and value the worth of each and every student, regardless of race, creed, citizenship status, or other protected class. We are committed to ensuring all students have every opportunity to reach their potential. Our staff works hard to support our diverse students and families. Hermiston staff daily teach our students to appreciate our differences, how to listen, disagree, and resolve conflicts respectfully. Building caring relationships is fundamental to relieving the fear and apprehension many are experiencing in our community.

Please talk with your children about our expectations. If your child experiences or sees harassment, bullying, or discrimination, please encourage them to tell an adult at school. Additionally, Hermiston is part of the Safe Oregon program where students can report such matters anonymously at We take all such reports seriously and appropriate action will follow.


Fred Maiocco, Jr., Ph.D.

Hermiston Superintendent of Schools