May 4: 11 New Coronavirus Cases Bring Umatilla County Total to 70


Eleven new positive tests for coronavirus have been reported today by Umatilla County Health (UCo Health.)

The 11 new cases in Umatilla County bring the total number of reported COVID-19 cases in Umatilla County to 70. County health officials are in contact with these individuals and are conducting intensive contact investigations in accordance with Oregon Health Authority (OHA) investigative guidelines. All 11 have been identified as close contacts of a confirmed case. All of these individuals are self-isolating and recovering at home.

Of the 70 who have tested positive, 27 have recovered and one remains hospitalized. There has been one death in the county due to coronavirus.

Individuals are considered recovered when they have been free from symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath and diarrhea for 72 hours.

In Morrow County, there are six confirmed cases of COVID-19.

UCo Health officials are urging residents to adhere to the “Stay Home Save Lives” order from Gov. Kate Brown. Maintain social distancing, stay home unless absolutely necessary and help fight the spread with proper hand-washing and hygiene techniques. Those individuals whose employment is considered essential to community infrastructure (healthcare, law enforcement, public safety, grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores, restaurants, transportation, public works, etc.) should continue reporting to work as long as they have no respiratory symptoms, including fever. If you are sick, stay home. Anyone who is exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory illness must stay home from work for 72-hours after all symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) have resolved.

In conjunction with Oregon Health Authority guidance, employers are asked to support employee time off for recovery and to send visibly ill employees home.

Recently, the county released a map showing where the cases of coronavirus are occurring in Umatilla County.

Anyone who is exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory illness must stay home from work for 72 hours after all symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) have resolved.

Officials say the county will continue to update its Umatilla County Public Health Facebook page as new information becomes available. County specific test result data is available on the county health website and will be updated Monday-Friday.