Umatilla County Public Health Creates Map of Coronavirus Cases


Umatilla County Public Health (UCo Health) today released a locations trends map for COVID-19 cases in the county. The map indicates Umatilla County communities with 0-4, 5-9 and 10-plus cases of coronavirus or COVID-19.

The map can be found on the county website.

Additionally, UCo Health has announced that six of the 16 individuals previously reported with COVID-19 have recovered.

UCo Health Director Joseph Fiumara said county residents need to continue to practice social distancing and stay at home.

“We encourage healthy individuals to continue essential functions for the health and safety of your families and communities,” he said. “Avoid non-essential trips outside of the home and practice social distancing by maintaining six feet of distance between individuals when it is necessary to go out. To minimize the spread of COVID-19 between communities, we strongly encourage all residents to utilize essential services within the communities where they live. Those individuals whose employment is considered essential to community infrastructure (healthcare, law enforcement, public safety, grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores, restaurants, transportation, public works, etc.) should continue reporting to work as long as they have no respiratory symptoms, including fever. If you are sick, stay home.”


  1. Do any zip codes have zero cases?

    If yes, those zip codes with no cases should be designated as not having any cases yet.
    If not the legend should be adjusted upward to the minimum number of cases in any single zip code.

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