Nearly 300 Register for Kindergarten in Hermiston


Nearly 300 Hermiston children were registered for kindergarten during the Hermiston School District’s kindergarten registration day on Friday.

Kindergarten registration
William Foster registered his son, Bryce, for kindergarten on Friday. Bryce was one of 294 children who got signed up on early registration day for the 2013-14 school year.
The event was held at the Hermiston High School commons throughout the day.

“We’re still firming up numbers, however, we prepared 300 packets and by the end of the day, we had utilized 294,” said Briana Cortaberria, communications officer for the Hermiston School District.

Friday was an early registration day. In August, parents can register their students at the school they will be attending.

Cortaberria said the district will also have a booth at the Umatilla County Fair which will offer information about kindergarten registration.

For more information about registering your child for school and frequently asked questions, please visit the Registration Page of the Hermiston School District website.