ODFW Confirms Another Rare Sighting of Wolverine in Oregon

Wolverine tracks confirmed by ODFW biologists near Highway 20 east of Santiam Pass. (ODFW photo)

Video of a wolverine crossing Highway 20 east of Santiam Pass on April 6 was confirmed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. ODFW Deschutes District staff confirmed tracks near the video location on the day of the sighting.

Over the last month, there have been several wolverine sighting reports submitted to ODFW and Cascadia Wild, a local non-profit organization conducting community science wildlife surveys for wolverine on Mt. Hood. The first report was made on March 20 by two people fishing on the Columbia River who took photos of a wolverine on the bank of McGuire Island. Additional sightings were confirmed in Damascus, Oregon City and Colton over the next several days.

Based on timing, locations of the verified sightings and the trajectory of travel, it is possible that these sightings are of the same individual wolverine though it cannot be confirmed. Long-distance dispersal or “exploratory” movements are not irregular for a wolverine during this time of year and they can travel well over 30 miles in a day. Based on the location, this wolverine is likely dispersing to a new area where it can survive and hopefully reproduce. Wolverines need high‐elevation habitat (alpine areas with dense snowpack) but young wolverine often disperse long distances to establish new territory.

Wolverine are rare in Oregon and these sightings are significant to wildlife conservation. The initial sighting along the Columbia River last month was the first confirmed report of a wolverine outside of the Wallowa Mountains in over 30 years. The last documented wolverine in the Central Cascades was killed in 1969 by a trapper near Broken Top Mountain. Wolverine is listed as a state threatened species in Oregon and no hunting or trapping of wolverine is allowed.

Although ODFW occasionally receives reports of wolverine, it can be difficult to confirm a sighting without documentation or tracks. If you see something, share it with ODFW on iNaturalist, an app/website that helps biologists track individual sightings of wildlife like wolverine.