ODFW to Close Hood River to Spring Chinook Fishing on June 1


The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) is closing the spring Chinook fishery on the Hood River on June 1 – a month earlier than originally planned.

Spring Chinook fishery was originally set to go through June 30 on the Hood River, but will now close Tuesday due to unexpected low returns of hatchery fish.

Fishery managers authorized retention of hatchery Chinook in portions of the Hood River beginning on May 1, based on pre-season run forecasts. But ODFW officials said actual run estimates of Hood River stock spring Chinook to Bonneville Dam are less than necessary to meet hatchery broodstock goals.

Based on the reduced returns, broodstock needs, and lack of broodstock already collected, fishery managers will close the fishery Tuesday.

For the latest regulations and recreation report for the Central Fishing Zone visit the ODFW website.