ODOT: Prepare Now for Winter Driving Conditions in Higher Elevations


Travelers heading to high elevation areas in Eastern Oregon should be ready for winter weather.

The National Weather Service forecasts predict low temperatures and rain will bring several inches of snow to higher elevation areas and mountain passes above 4,000 feet through this week. Travelers should prepare for wet and snowy conditions, with possible fog and ice in some areas.

Oregon Department of Transportation road crews are prepared for snow and work to keep roads as safe as possible with the staff and equipment they have, but they can’t be everywhere at once.

To prepare for winter driving:

  • Carry tire chains in your vehicle and practice putting them on.
  • Inspect your vehicle. Make sure that tires have good tread and windshield wipers are clean and in good condition.
  • Make sure your car’s heater and defroster are working well.
  • Pack warm clothes, extra snacks and water, and any medications you may need if delayed.
  • Check Tripcheck.com for up-to-date road conditions along your route.

On the road, drivers should slow down, give other vehicles extra space, and drive according to conditions. If you’re using GPS navigation, double check its route. Some GPS systems may lead you down unmaintained back roads. Be safe and stick to main roads.