Oregon Equine Summit, Rescue Course Coming to Pendleton


The Oregon Horse Council in Prineville is bringing a couple of big events for those involved in the equine industry to the Pendleton Convention Center in October.

The Oregon Equine Summit takes place on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18-19. This is Oregon’s only equine-focused conference, with emphasis on business building, wild horse management, nutrition, legalities, insurance, agri-tourism and more. Its goal is to provide an avenue for positive conversations and education.

The Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Course will be on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19-20. The training course is open to anyone, but is specifically geared toward fire department personnel, first responders, veterinarians, search and rescue members, animal rescue specialists, livestock breeders, horse trainers, and any large animal owner who wants to be more prepared. Participation is limited to 100 people only.

The convention center is located at 1601 Westgate. To register for the events, go online. For more information, call the Oregon Horse Council at 971-224-5879.