OSEA Extends Deadline for Local Seniors to Apply for $500 Scholarship


Oregon School Employees Association Chapter 10 is extending the deadline for its college scholarship offering for high school seniors to May 22, 2020.

The award that is being offered is $500 and is to be used at an accredited college or university. It is open to a graduating senior at any high school who has a family member or guardian who is an active member in good standing with OSEA Chapter 10. OSEA Chapter 10 membership consists of classified employees of the Hermiston School District, including – but not limited to – instructional assistants, office staff and custodians.

For more information about this scholarship offering or a copy of the application form, contact Michelle Kane at michelle.kane@hermistonsd.org or the student counseling office at Hermiston High School. Applications must be sent to Kane at West Park Elementary School by May 22.