Pair of Local Meetings to Focus on New Corporate Activity Tax


The Oregon Department of Revenue will hold a pair of meetings focusing on the administrative rules for the state’s new Corporate Activity Tax.

Business taxpayers and tax preparers will have a chance to meet with rule writers and share concerns, questions, and suggestions.

The first meeting is set for Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Hermiston Community Center, 415 Highway 395.

The second meeting will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3 at the SAGE Center, 101 Olson Road in Boardman.

Issues expected to be discussed include:

  • Who must register
  • When and how businesses register
  • Who must file and who must pay the tax
  • Annual returns based on calendar year activity
  • How corporate activity is defined
  • Exemptions for charitable organizations
  • Exclusions for groceries, subcontractors, wholesalers, and others
  • What counts toward the 35 percent subtraction
  • How estimated payments will be calculated
  • When estimated payments are due

Those who are unable to attend but want to provide input can email questions or comments to