Police Blotter: Beware of 'Mean Muggers'


Here’s our weekly look at what folks are reporting to the Hermiston Police Department.

RP = Reporting Party

Wednesday, Dec. 21
What Kind of Scam, Exactly?
RP had a male come to her door (she didn’t answer it); he was wearing a hard hat/military khaki pants, yellow windbreaker w/reflection strip. He was on foot, headed up 9th St. No vehicle seen. He left her residence about 10 min ago on foot. RP wasn’t sure if this was a scam or not

Soon-to-be Ex-Girlfriend
Girlfriend is breaking all of his items. Broke the windshield on his truck.

Friday, Dec. 23
Christmas-Stealing Grinches
RP advises that he just woke up and there is a bunch of stolen items in his house, he is stating his roommates aren’t there currently, but possibly out to get more property.

Price Rollback!
RP, with loss prevention at Walmart, reporting a male that is stealing a heater. He switches the tags and buys at lower price and walks out.

Liable to get Double Fired
Owner called to state he fired an employee and she is refusing to leave.

Accused of ‘Mean Mugging’
Employee reports a male pulled up and was verbally abusive and threatened to come back. The male subject states the RP was “mean mugging” him at his house.

Not a Pretty Sight
RP states there is a vehicle parked across the street, turned lights off and a male got out and urinated on her trailer.

Saturday, Dec. 24
Hope It Wasn’t Santa
RP states that a male entered the house, brother yelled at him and the male jumped out the window.

Sunday, Dec. 25
Christmas Cougar
RP pretty sure he saw a cougar in the Tom Able RV park this morning. Would like to talk to officer about it.

Lonely on Christmas
RP advising he is at the HPD. There is a dog that has been following him for the past hour. Not his dog.

Monday, Dec. 26
Uninvited Guests
RP called an off-duty deputy to report that three people are in his house that he wants removed. Just woke up and found them in the residence, unknown how they got in or who they are.