Police Blotter: Potpourri of Weirdness


Here’s our weekly look at what folks are reporting to the Hermiston Police Department.

RP = Reporting Party

Tuesday, Dec. 27
Trail of Evidence
RP is in the HPD lobby to report that sometime last night someone came into his back yard and stole an empty propane tank out from under his BBQ grill. There’s footprints in the snow showing where the subject entered his yard and walked up to the grill.

Wednesday, Dec. 28
Seeking Legal Advice
RP advised of problem with being told to leave the motel. RP was on the Greyhound bus and the company put him up until the roads opened up over I-84 to Boise. RP wants to know if it is legal for the motel to kick them out to wait for the bus for 5 hours.

RP reporting a car trapped between recycle bin and chain link fence. Windows are steamed up.

Was It a Ford Focus?
Employee says there is vehicle in parking lot unknown description or plate that is idling and small child is in car unattended, there is a group around the vehicle watching the car.

Yep, It Was a Ford Focus
RP states white Ford Focus California plate with a baby in side no one else around vehicle running.

Picked the Wrong Purse
Male tried to steal RP’s wife’s purse in the grocery side. RP is very aggravated. Suspect is still on scene, RP is threatening him.

Thursday, Dec. 29
Just Awful
Reporting there is a Husky that has been chained up for the past three days with water frozen over. House is a green or taupe colored house approx 5 houses down from SW 11th St. RP states one of the neighbors also noticed a boy approx 10 years old hitting the dog. RP is wanting an officer to check on the dog.

Male client at Warming Station exposing himself to one of the volunteers and is refusing to leave at the direction of staff.

Friday, Dec. 30
Because Missionaries Have Early Bed Times
RP states two males came to the door stating they were missionaries. Turned them away but the males then went to the neighbor’s residence across the street and have been there for over 20 minutes. RP is concerned the males may not actually be missionaries due to it being past 9 pm. Would like an officer to check on the neighbors.

Saturday, Dec. 31
Freaked-Out Family
RP states that there is a male in a burgundy Chevrolet Lumina that is just sitting in his car for hours. RP states that this is the 3rd time this week and he is concerned. RP states that the male has a big mess in the back seat. RP states that the vehicle has WA plates and that the male is scaring his family just sitting out there for hours.

Threatless Threats
RP states that Julie is in the store and will not leave, is threatening customers. RP states that she has tried to make threats without actually making threats. RP pushed the panic button and nothing has happened.

Sunday, Jan. 1
First-Degree Staring
RP is reporting a guy riding his bike around the block, when RP was outside he was staring at his girlfriend.

Monday, Jan. 2
Don’t Ask
RP said that there is a guy stuck on the roof, on 4th on top of building on the roof.