Presentation to Focus on Noxious Weeds


The public is invited to take a tour of the Umatilla County Weed Control Program on Thursday, June 4.

The tour gets started at 7:45 a.m. with attendees boarding a bus from the Umatilla County Public Works Department, 3920 Westgate in Pendleton. From there, the bus will travel to McNary Beach Park and then to the McNary Ponds to look at Rivenna Grass and Yellow Flag Iris.

The tour will then continue on to the Oxbow property. There will be a presentation on prominent noxious weeds and the county’s program aimed at controlling them. The tour will return to Pendleton for a barbecue lunch at noon.

For more information and to RSVP, call Dan Durfey at 541-278-5462 or e-mail him at