Renowned Educator to Visit Hermiston


The Hermiston School District will host a pair of Parent University events with guest speaker Dr. Luis Cruz, an education reformer from inner-city Los Angeles.

Cruz will assist parents in finding out how to help their children be successful in school.

Parent University will be held at Hermiston High School on Tuesday, Sept. 16 for Spanish-speaking parents and community members, and on Wednesday, Sept. 17, a session will be held for English-speaking families and community members. Both evening events will begin at 6 p.m. and be held in the high school auditorium. There is no fee.

Parents will learn how their role in education is changing and what children need from parents in order to be successful in school. They will also get a chance to meet Cruz.

Cruz is a former principal of Baldwin Park High School, located east of Los Angeles. His previous work experience includes being a teacher and administrator at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. His recognitions include New Teacher of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Administrator of the Year, and other community leadership awards. Cruz earned a doctorate in institutional leadership and policy studies from the University of California Riverside.