Rodeo Board Member Dennis Barnett Calls Cancellation ‘Disheartening’


The power of the Governor can do what even Mother Nature could not – force the cancelation of one of the region’s most popular and widely-anticipated event.

Farm-City Pro Rodeo Board member Dennis Barnett called the cancellation of the 2020 rodeo “disheartening.”

“This would have been our 33rd year for the rodeo,” said Barnett in an email to Northeast Orego Now this morning. “Rodeo is typically held in any kind of weather — rain, snow, and wind does not stop the performance.  Lightning will delay the performance until the storm passes.  The Governor’s mandate on May 7th – that any fair, rodeo, or event gathering of 250 before Sept. 30 is prohibited – has ended any hope of the rodeo being allowed.”

Barnett said the rodeo board felt obligated to make the decision now to give contractors enough time to plan for other events.

“At this time of the year the rodeo is in position to start incurring substantial expenses for the upcoming event,” said Barnett. “The rodeo board did not feel that they could expect all their contractors to have shorter notice about the cancellation.  Once the Governor made her decoration, it was our responsibility to give all our contractors the opportunity to seek other work from other rodeos during the August event dates.  Other states are having rodeos, and we believe our contractors needed every opportunity to be employed during that week — other than in the state of Oregon.”

Barnett said it is possible Gov. Kate Brown could change the Sept. 30 date due to political pressure, but not by nearly enough to allow the August rodeo to take place.