Sandstone Students Give Assist to Agape House


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The student leadership team from The Sandstone Middle School student leadership team are wrapping up a canned food drive to benefit the Agape House.

The students began the food drive on Feb. 27 and will wrap it up on Friday. Unlike the winter food drive, the students this time around are collecting specific items for the Agape House to use in their elementary backpack program.

The students are collecting the following items:

• Canned spaghetti or Ravioli (any brand) 15 oz.
• Chicken noodle soup (any brand) 10oz.
• Boxed macaroni and cheese (any brand) 7.25 oz.
• Canned tuna fish packed in water (any brand) 5 oz.
• 100 % juice boxes or pouch (any flavor) 5 oz.
• Instant oat meal packages
• Applesauce packets or cups (any brand) 3-6 oz.
• Ritz crackers (these must be tubes of crackers)
• Sandwich cracker packs (peanut butter and cheese flavors)
• Top Ramen noodles (packs preferred, not cups, no spicy flavors please)
• Peanut butter in a plastic jar (any brand) 15-18 oz.
• Small bags of chips 1-3 oz.
• Small boxes of raisins 1.4 oz.
• Chewy granola bars (any flavor, any brand

All items collected will go directly to Hermiston families in need.

The students put together a YouTube video about the project. Click here to watch the video that lasts about two and a half minutes.

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