Smith Appointed to Key Legislative Committees


State Rep. Greg Smith (R-Heppner) has been appointed by House Speaker Tina Kotek to several key committees in the Oregon Legislature.

For the 78th Assembly of the Oregon Legislature, Smith will be assigned to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means as vice co-chair; the General Government Subcommittee on Ways and Means as co-chair; Capitol Construction Subcommittee on Ways and Means; and the Joint Committee on Legislative Administration.

Rep. Greg Smith
Rep. Greg Smith
Smith was also appointed by House Republican Leader Mike McLane to serve as the House Republican Caucus Budget chair. This position was vacated by Rep. Dennis Richardson, who did not seek re-election in order to run for governor.

“I am honored that Speaker Kotek and Leader McLane would entrust me with these positions,” said Smith. “I look forward to continuing serving District 57, our state, and House Republicans in 2015.”

Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and Oregon State Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Debbie Pedro applauded Smith’s appointments.

“Once again, Rep. Smith shows his ability to be a leader for Eastern Oregon,” she said. “We will continue to be well represented in Salem.”

Smith is joined by two other legislators serving as the most senior member of the 60-member Oregon House. Smith has served in the Oregon House since 2001.