State Report Gives Hermiston Schools High Marks

Generation College Award
GED testing will be available at Hermiston High School beginning March 12.

The Oregon Department of Education released school and district report cards today and Hermiston School District students outperformed students in comparable districts on every performance measure.

Compared to districts with similar demographics, such as poverty levels, diversity of their student body, and pupil mobility, the Hermiston School District (HSD) outperformed its counterparts in all 10 academic measures reported, including reading, mathematics, writing and science across multiple grade spans.

High school completion and college readiness outcome measurements yielded similar results, as HSD seniors outperformed their counterparts in college and career readiness (as measured by the percentage of students who took the SAT), high school graduation rate, completion rate, and dropout rate. The district’s dropout rate is well below the state and comparison district averages (2.6 percent compared to 3.4 percent and 3.3 percent, respectively).

The majority of schools within the district yielded strong performance. Based on the new state school rating criteria, which rates schools from a 1 (lowest performance) to 5 (model school performance), Hermiston’s three secondary schools all received level 4 ratings. Desert View and Sunset elementary schools also earned level 4 ratings. Highland Hills, Rocky Heights, and West Park elementary schools netted level 3 performances, while the district’s alternative school received a level 1 rating.

Notable school-by-school performance highlights include:

Hermiston High School
• Outperformed both the state and comparison schools in reading, writing, and mathematics performance.
• Dropout rate nearly half the state average, with graduation and completion rates well above state level performance.

Sandstone Middle School
• Significantly outperformed both the state and comparison schools in all three measured performance standards:

o  Reading – 6.7 percent above comparison schools and 2.1 percent over the state
o Mathematics – 6.6 percent and 2.4 percent respectively
o Science – 17 percent and 13.8 percent respectively

Armand Larive Middle School
• Outperformed comparison schools in all three measured performance standards (reading 4.4 percent), mathematics (3.9 percent), and science (20.9 percent)

Elementary Schools
• Desert View significantly outperformed state and comparison schools in all three standards (Highlights: 8.9 percent above the state in mathematics)
• Rocky Heights outperformed comparison schools in reading and mathematics
• Sunset outperformed comparison schools in all three standards (Highlights: nearly 10 percent higher than their comparison schools in science)
• West Park outperformed comparison schools in all three standards

Alternative School
• The Innovative Learning Center, Hermiston’s K-12 alternative school, outperformed the state and comparison schools in reading, while outperforming comparison schools in writing and science.

To access the full report, visit the Oregon Department of Education website. Select “Hermiston SD 8” for Hermiston School District data.