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Home Tags Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Joshua Roberts

Tag: Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Joshua Roberts

29 Motorists Cited Between Dec. 11-Jan. 1

A total of 29 motorists were cited or warned by the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office during the Dec. 11, 2015- Jan. 1, 2016, DUII/High...

Sheriff's Office to Have Extra Patrols During Holidays

If you’re enjoying the holidays with a drink, the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office has a message for you: Drive sober or get pulled over. Due...

Sheriff’s Office to Crack Down on Impaired Drivers

The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office will be teaming up with other agencies around the state for the Christmas and New Year season in an...

Round-Up Week Was Quiet for Law Enforcement

The enhanced patrols conducted by the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office during the week of Pendleton Round Up yielded 52 citizen contacts. Deputies issued 29 citations...

UCSO Releases Labor Day Patrol Stats

The enhanced patrols conducted by the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office during the Labor Day holiday, Aug. 21 to Sept. 7 produced 29 additional citizen...

2 DUII Arrests Made During Fair/Rodeo Week

There were no motor vehicle accidents during the week of the Umatilla County Fair, but the sheriff's office made two DUII arrests during the...

UCSO Arrests 3 for DUI Over Holiday Weekend

The enhanced patrols conducted by the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office during the Fourth of July weekend, July 3-5, produced 26 additional citizen contacts with...

No DUII Arrests During Memorial Day Weekend

Seven citations and nine warnings were given out during the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office during the Memorial Day weekend. The primary intent of the DUII/High...

Sheriff's Office Has Quiet Super Bowl Sunday

The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office conducted enhanced patrols immediately before and after the Super Bowl on Sunday, making a total of eight contacts and...

