‘Tumblegeddon’ Buries Cars, Blocks Highway Outside of Richland


Motorists in Washington state experienced what is being called “Tumblegeddon” on New Year’s Eve as winds whipped tumbleweeds onto SR 240, burying cars and blocking the highway.

Members of the Washington State Patrol spent 10 hours digging cars and a semi-truck out from under hills of tumbleweeds that flooded the road on New Year’s Eve about 20 miles west of Richland.

According to a USA Today article, Washington State Patrol Trooper Chris Thorson said that on Tuesday his district began receiving 911 calls around 6:30 p.m. about tumbleweeds blocking the roadway.

“One of our troopers was dispatched,” he said. “When they arrived, they saw tumbleweeds in the roadway and there were cars trapped.”

See USA Today for the full story.