UEC Installing New Digital Meters to Quicken Response Time

UEC is contractng with Allegiant Utility Services to replace existing meters across the UEC service territory. (Photo courtesy of UEC)

Umatilla Electric Cooperative customers will be getting new digital meters during the month of June.

UEC’s contractor, Allegiant Utility Services, are replacing existing meters across the UEC service territory.

One of the primary benefits of the new meters is their ability to immediately notify UEC of an outage. A system that instantly reports the scope of an outage – the number of meters out and their precise location – will help quicken UEC’s response time.

In recent years, UEC has upgraded its control and data systems, outage management and field equipment to help operators at its command center in Hermiston more quickly detect and respond to outages with accurate location prediction. Doing so reduces the need to send a crew to manually check miles of power lines. The new meters build upon that system.

During the meter installations, disruption to members should be just a few seconds.

For more information, call UEC at (541) 567-6414.


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