Umatilla County Fair Seeking 2020 Fair Court Applicants


The Umatilla County Fair is now accepting applications for the 2020 fair court.

The Umatilla County Fair Court program is available for ninth- through 12th-grade students, ages 14-19, residing in Umatilla County.

Applications are available at the fair office and on the fair website.

The fair court represents Umatilla County not only during the week of fair in August, but at parades and other functions throughout Eastern Oregon and Washington in 2020.

Court members will learn leadership skills, responsibility and how to represent themselves as well as their county, with dignity and pride. The Umatilla County Fair Court program has a long tradition and many fair court alumni are still involved with the fair in some aspect.

Fair court applications are due to the fair office no later than 4 p.m., on Friday, Nov. 8 in a sealed envelope. Late applications will not be considered. Completed application packets can be emailed to  Applicants will need to receive an email confirmation from fair staff to ensure receipt of their forms. Fair staff will contact all accepted applicants to schedule interviews.

For additional information, contact the fair office at (541) 567-6121 or email