How can Umatilla improve the quality of life for its residents?
At least two city business owners are taking an active approach to the question.
Dave Meade, of Columbia Harvest Foods, spoke at Tuesday’s Umatilla City Council meeting on behalf of the Umatilla Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center. Meade asked the council for organized, open communication between city groups, including the council, the chamber and the Transient Room Tax Committee, a group charged with distributing funds raised through accommodation fees for tourism-related endeavors.
Hasu Mistry, owner of Umatilla Inn and Suites, echoed Meade’s support for communication.
Three years ago, Mistry organized a meeting between community stakeholders about improving the quality of life in Umatilla. Although the meeting generated discussion, little action resulted, and Mistry said it’s time to try again.
“Let’s take a moment to figure out what we want to do in our town,” Mistry said. “Maybe it’s about time for all of us to meet and see what we want done . . . Forget the past because all we’re going to dig up is bones. Let’s figure out what we can do for the future.”
Other meeting attendees agreed.
“We need more people concerned about the city of Umatilla,” Shirley Frost said. “Right now, we’re dead.”
Fifteen people attended the meeting, not including council members and city staff.
Umatilla Mayor Pat Lafferty agreed to meet with Mistry and Meade to hash out details before the city plans a public meeting between the various groups.
Umatilla Councilor Lyle Smith strongly supported community involvement and encouraged residents to attend city meetings or contact council members.
“We’d love to discuss anything with anybody,” he said, growing emotional. “We get hardly anyone here (at the council meetings). It’s the same people. I’d love to see it standing room only.”
The next Umatilla City Council meeting is June 4 at Umatilla City Hall, 700 Sixth St., and the agenda packet will be posted on the city website by May 31.