Volunteers Pull Garlic Mustard from Riverfront Park


Members of the Tour of Knowledge recently took the time to help rid Riverfront Park in Hermiston from garlic mustard.

Garlic mustard
Michael Warren with a few of the bags filled with garlic mustard.
On Memorial Day afternoon, four members of the Tour of Knowledge – Nancy Duncan, Andrew Cooley, Michael Warren and Eileen Laramore – filled 16 large garbage bags with pulled garlic mustard from the park. Garlic mustard is a Class A invasive week that is found growing in shady areas along the Umatilla River.

The Tour Of Knowledge has set up a garlic mustard containment zone to protect the Umatilla Basin Watershed Council’s 7,000 trees that are growing the Oxbow Property directly north of Riverfront Park.

The Tour Of Knowledge is a Hermiston-based citizen group that promotes the protection and preservation of the area’s natural resources.