Ways and Means Members OK New Federal Grants for Oregon Vets


The Oregon Joint Ways and Means Committee retroactively approved the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs application for two federal State Home Construction Grants.

These grants, made available through the federal CARES Act funding, can be used to purchase equipment or facilitate physical plant upgrades as it relates to prevention, preparation, or response to COVID-19. The committee retroactively approved the application due to changes and delays in the application process at the federal level. 

The grants, totaling $442,117, will allow the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs to purchase equipment and provide for facility upgrades at the Oregon Veterans’ Homes in The Dalles and Lebanon.

“The disproportionate toll that this pandemic has taken on our veterans’ community is terrible,” said Sen. Bill Hansell (R-Athena.) “They deserve whatever help we can give them. These grants will provide our Veterans’ Homes with the resources needed to be better equipped for the safety and care of its members.”

 “I am grateful to have this opportunity to provide our veterans with critical resources by approving these federal grants,” said Rep. Greg Smith (R-Hepner.) “This pandemic has been especially hard on certain communities, including our veterans. These grants through the bipartisan CARES Act will protect these honored individuals who deserve our full support.”

“This funding will support important upgrades for Oregon’s veterans community, including the Veterans’ Home in The Dalles,” added Rep. Daniel Bonham (R-The Dalles.) “This is a great action we can take that will provide better services for our men and women who have served our country.”