Wildhorse Adjusting Event Schedule


In recognition of recommended restrictions on events, gatherings and social distancing, the Wildhorse Resort & Casino has made changes to its upcoming schedule, including the postponement and cancellation of upcoming events.

Wildhorse officials say they hope to reschedule many of the events and will provide updates on its website.

The March 21 concert with Starship featuring Mickey Thomas will be rescheduled. Tickets remain valid for the rescheduled show; for refund information, go to wildhorseresort.yapsody.com or, if you purchased tickets in the gift shop, call 541-966-1128 to arrange a refund.

The March 28 $25k Bingo Special Session has been canceled. All online purchases are automatically refunded. If you purchased tickets in the gift shop, call 541-966-1128 to arrange a refund.

At this time, the Wildhorse cineplex is open, but limited numbers of moviegoers are allowed into each theater to provide ample space for social distancing.

An evening of dinner and jazz at Plateau on March 27 has been canceled, as well as the Winemaker’s Dinner for April.

The weekly LOL Comedy nights on Thursdays and the weekly live music at the Sports Bar have been canceled until further notice

Tamastslikt Cultural Institute is closed until April 3.

For more information, visit the Wildhorse website.