PENDLETON, Ore.-In perhaps the surest sign yet that spring is finally here, the City of Pendleton will start its winter gravel pickup on Wednesday, March 12.
Yellow signs with red lettering will be placed in areas where Pendleton Public Works Crews are picking up gravel and the process is expected to take four to six weeks, according to City Officials.
Residents and visitors should park off the street in areas where work crews and yellow signs are visible if possible. Crews are expected to start with the roads entering Pendleton before moving to other areas.
Gravel in school areas will be picked up during Spring Break when there is less traffic in the area.
Tentative Pendleton winter gravel pickup schedule
Entries into town, including East and West gates, Southgate and Highway 37 (starting March 12)
Downtown Pendleton
The McKay neighborhood
The Sherwood neighborhood
The Rice/Blakey neighborhood
Tutuilla Road and the surrounding area
South Hill
Public Works area to Main Street
North Hill
The airport
Anyone with any questions regarding the gravel pickup can contact the Pendleton Public Works Department at 541-966-0202.